
Postcard from A Diocesan Convention: #1: Birettas Up!

Saturday 30 January 2010
Apparently, this snap has caused a bit of a stir on FaceBook.

Which is exactly the point.

Jon and I decided to be 'Chatham Clergy Fashionistas' at the Opening Eucharist of our Diocesan Convention. We had been informed, in pre-convention material, that we were to process from the Robert Treat Hotel - the epicenter of our Convention - up the street to the Cathedral of The Diocese of Newark.

Not a long walk. Good idea. GREAT witness. Except that it was around 32 degrees with a wind chill factor in the 20-somethings. So, Jon and I decided to wear our Capa Nigra Cloaks - the black cloaks you see in the snap, usually reserved for solemn occasions like funerals and graveside services.

If you're going to wear a Capa Nigra, you might as well wear a biretta - that silly black hat we're both wearing. Yeah. The one with the black pom-pom.

By the way, that's Megan, a priest in our diocese who was also a seminarian at St. Paul's when Jon was a seminarian there as well. She didn't get the memo, but if she had, she also would have been a 'Chatham Clergy Fashionista'.

It's all the rage!

Over on FaceBook, this picture has apparently been the object of some controversy - judging by the comments left. Some have said we'd have been "laughed out" of their diocesan convention. Others said we looked "insane."

Okay. We were going for reaction and looks like we got it.

The brisk walk in cold weather which gave the pragmatic necessity to "bundle up" also provided the impulse to be a bit creative about it. And, to take a wee little poke at patriarchy while we were at it.

To tell the truth, THAT was the most fun we had at Convention. Yes. That silly moment of fun at the expense of traditional Anglo-Catholic fashion.

Convention has been a bit of a rough ride so far. The Opening Eucharist was waaayyy too long - mostly because it was not managed well. That put us an hour behind schedule before Convention even began.

The budget is in real trouble. The service at the Robert Treat Hotel was less than stellar. Cocktail hour was delayed by an hour. Dinner was delayed by 90 minutes. The food was even worse than the service.

All that made our budget woes even more exaggerated. I mean, what were they thinking? (They = hotel staff). Don't they know that wherever three or four Episcopalians are gathered, there's always "a fifth"?

Today is a new day. The Women's Commission Breakfast is scheduled for 6:45 AM. That would be in the morning.

Right. And the topic? Human Trafficking.

I'm on my way.

Ora Pro Nobis.


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