
Just in case you're wondering

Thursday 25 March 2010

The public behavior of those who call themselves 'Teabaggers' has engendered sad shakes of the head from both sides of the political aisle.

Watching them reminds me of some of the comments I read on some of the so-called orthodox blogs in Anglicanland - or some of the 'anonymous' comments I've been getting of late.

I mean, where do these people come from? Not any corner of any neighborhood in America I know - or known to many people.

You know, you can think what you like about 'diversity', feel uncomfortable if you have to about 'multiculturalism' and completely reject the idea of 'pluraform truths', but the First Amendment rights of free speech and assembly do not give anyone license to spit on politicians, use racial epithets and slur LGBT people as a form of protest.

Actually, I'm no historian, but I do believe that the First Amendment was predicated on the assumption that one had a brain in one's head.

Well, as Forest Gump would say, "Stupid is as stupid does." It also tends to "follow the leader."

So, just in case you were wondering how this bad behavior persists, here's a Republican leader setting the stage for the backlash on Health Care Reform. I'm hoping this video goes viral. The dignity of the first message juxtaposed with the idiocy of the second is, I think, quite powerful.

I know. I know. Nothing will stop them. They are too blinded by anger and prejudice and bigotry to be able to see that they are not only an embarrassment to themselves, they are, have been, and will be utterly ineffective.

All we can do sometimes is hold up a mirror and let them see how they look to others. Shining a big old flashlight on bigots has always caused them to scatter back into the darkness.

Until the next time.

A luta continua


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