
A little something light

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Things are a bit frenetic here these days. I really don't know where the hours go.

As some of you may have discerned from last Sunday's sermon or read in the comment section, I am leaving St. Paul's, Chatham. My "rights and responsibilities" ended August 1. My tenure ends September 1, 2011.

There's a long story to all this as you might imagine, and I've been journaling like crazy, but I want to do justice to the situation before writing publicly about it.

As I listen to many of my clergy colleagues, I'm finding that my story is, sadly, not uncommon. I want to make sure my analysis is correct so that others may find some things to consider, as well as find some hope for the church in the midst of times that make it difficult to do the work of the gospel.

We'll be moving to Delaware on September 1st, to our wee cottage on Rehoboth Bay. It will be renovated to make it more energy-efficient during the winter months as well as for some aesthetics. I'll be acting as "General Contractor" during most of the Fall, which should keep me out of too much trouble.

I'll be helping out at All Saint's, Rehoboth as well as their wee chapel in the farm country, St. George's. The rector and his wife are dear friends and I'm really looking forward to working with them. It should be great fun to see how much trouble we can get into together - in the Precious Name of Jesus, of course.

I'll be Proctor Fellow at The Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Spring Semester, 2011. After that, I'll just do whatever Jesus tells me to do. (He loves to hear me say that. Makes it sound like I'm so obedient and he's totally in control.)

So, it's packing and sorting and getting rid of "stuff". It's hard, exhausting but ultimately satisfying work.

There is much to learn in this time. I feel as if I'm standing on Holy Ground.

I'm learning that, despite all of my protests to Ms. Conroy's accusations, I really am a bit of a pack rat.

Her rule: "If you haven't used it in the last five years, you don't need it."

Sigh and ugh!

I'm learning that there is a spiritual arrogance to collecting and saving "stuff".

I'm learning that simplicity is an art and a science and I have become a serious student of the School of Humility. It's really, really hard to let go of "my stuff" but that, ultimately, I can not let it define who I am.

My daily mantra is, "I am more than my stuff."

I don't quite believe that yet, but I'm working on it.

I'm learning that memories weigh more than boxes but they are much easier to transport.

I'm re-learning that music is healing, motivating and inspiring. It also carries memories which waft over me, surrounding and comforting me like an old, worn sweater on a cold, dismal day.

Here's a little something from Nickel Creek, called "Lighthouse." It's my gift to myself for today which I share with you.

Sit back, relax and enjoy the imagery this music calls up for you. If lighthouses out in the ocean could sing, I'm sure this would be one of their songs.


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