
What the world needs now

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Remember Jackie DeShannon singing "What the world needs now/ is love, sweet love. It's the only thing/ that there's just too little of"?

It has never been more true. The world needs love. Right now.

Incarnate in more parents - and people - like this.

This is scene from last night's episode of GLEE.

If you haven't watched it you absolutely HAVE to. This is MUST SEE TV writ large.

I know. I know. I had been resisting watching it because it's on FOX. Then I realized I was, as my grandmother would say, "Cutting off the end of my nose to spite my face."

It's really great. Just a little weekly trip down high school Memory Lane to the Glee Club where we can find an antidote for the underdog in us all.

There have been some amazing scenes - the Madonna covers are amazing - but this, THIS scene is amazing.

Totally not what you'd expect on the FOX network.

But, clearly what the world needs more of.

No, not just for some, but for everyone.

PS - Thanks to my cuz Chris you can watch the whole episode here.

Or, take off your shoes, pull up a chair, stay right here and watch it.


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