
Broken Glasses

Friday 11 June 2010
You'll forgive me, I'm sure. I'm not sure if I can forgive myself.

I broke my glasses.

I was reaching for some beach towels in the laundry room. They cam crashing down on me. The next thing I know, my glasses were broken.

I did get a pair of one of those butt-ugly $14.99 CVS glasses for general purposes, but they are not for reading.

I'm heading over to my optometrist's office to see if I can get them replaced today. I'd much rather keep my money local but if they can't do it, it's off to feed the corporate machine and use Lens Crafters.

So, bear with me.

I know. I'm asking you to do more than I am able to do myself.

I'll be back as soon as I can.


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