
Free at last!

Monday 8 February 2010
This is not the best of pictures (the sun was Really Bright), but I wanted you to see just how much work it took to free Lucy True Bug from her snow bound imprisonment.

Them's some pretty deep ruts right there. Lotsa shovelin'.

My neighbor Larry and I shoveled for about 30 minutes and then it took another 30 of 'rockin' and rollin' - drive/reverse/drive/reverse - before I finally got her to the street.

All's well that ends well.   I have a conference call at 8:30 AM and hope to be on the road, such as it is, by 10:30.  The side roads, like mine, are a mess - just a thick layer of ice with deep ruts of icy water - but all the main arteries are in pretty good shape, I understand.

It has been announced that local schools are closed until Wednesday or Thursday.  There is a Regional School System here, so everyone takes the school bus.  Because the side roads are in such bad shape, it's not safe to run the buses on them.

It's also estimated that it's going to cost $35 - $40 Million to clean up this mess.

You'll excuse me if I don't wax poetic about snow.

That does not mean that I'm totally without a sense of aesthetics - or humor.  Check out the above fashion statement.

This is the latest from the House of Kateon "Necessity is the Mother of Invention" fashion line of snow boots.

Don't laugh too hard.  They worked.  Except, they were admittedly a bit slippery.  No traction with plastic.  My feet were dry, however, which was the point.

What's that old expression?  "Redneck is as Redneck does."  I think I've done my share, thank you very much.  Not full fledged Redneck.  It would have been full fledged Redneck if I had used duct tape.  I couldn't find it so I used packing tape.

Close enough.  Enough to be considered - (Wait for it!) - 'White Trash'.

(Thank you, thank you very much.  I'm here all week.  Try the salad bar.)

Off I go, then.  Back to the rectory and then to the Old Salt Mines for Jesus.

I sure am gonna miss this place - snow drifts, cold winds, icy ruts and all.

UPDATE:  Perhaps I spoke too soon. There was a broken water man on the main road off Long Neck, which has delayed my leave time by "a coupla hours".  Sigh. I hope to get out of here by no later than 2 PM - in plenty of time to miss the next snow storm scheduled to dump another foot of snow beginning sometime Tuesday night.  Amazing! Simply amazing!


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