
Symmetry in the Sanctuary

Monday 6 December 2010

It's one of those mornings.

I have about 16 things in my head and a road trip ahead of me.

Which is good.

I'll get it all sorted out in the car.

When I get like this, I imagine I must be quite a scene to my fellow travelers. I mean, when I'm in the car and I've got a bunch of stuff rummaging around in my head, all vying for attention, I need to hear myself think.

So, I talk. Full throat. And, often, when I talk, I use my hands.

I must look like I'm quite insane. Sometimes, I pass someone on the road who is looking to see if there's someone else in the car with me. Sometimes, they smile shyly and wave before they move along. Very. Quickly.

The only thing more embarrassing is when I am lost in a song. You know. Singing at the top of my voice. Full stage-mode.

Don't snicker. It's happened to you. You know it has.

One of the things in my head is a letter I'm composing to Rowan Williams. Yes, the Archbishop of Canterbury. He may not think that he needs to hear from me, but I do. Obviously. Not that I think I'm going to change his mind about anything, but I just can let this rest.

This letter needs to be clear and articulate and balanced. Not that I think he'll read it anyway. I suspect he has "staff" who read these things before passing them along - or placing letters like these in "the circular file".

Actually, I think it's cartoons like the one above that have the greatest effect. Not on him, but on those who influence him. And, I trust there are LOTS of people who have influence on him. Not anyone like me. Let's just say I don't have the right "equipment."

So, I'm taking this brilliant little cartoon along with me. To ponder. To consider. To laugh - which always shakes the cobwebs from my mind. To allow the humor of it to move my creativity which happens to be stuck in frustration over the whole bloody Anglican Covenant.

So, here. Enjoy. And, if you've got a moment, I'd love to hear from you.

If you were to write a letter to Rowan, what one thing would you like him to know?

Whatever IS the problem with the Anglican Communion today?

Okay, carry on. Please try not to mess up my things while I'm away from my computer. If you take something, please put it back before you leave.

I'll expect a 500 word essay on my desk by the close of the day.


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