
Meanest Story nominee: Kate Middleton already pregnant!

Friday 15 April 2011
Publication: Star magazine
Date: 25 April 2011

Now that the royal wedding is at the end of the month and all the rice has been swept up from Reese Witherspoon wedding, (literally true but figuratively, not quite), the American tabloids can now focus on Wills'N'Kate more deeply, which in the case of the dogs in the AMI kennel means they can work harder at making the young couple's life a living hell.

It's an open secret that lack of virginity is not a deal breaker anymore, and no one with a lick of sense thinks Wills'N'Kate have just been holding hands and attending polo matches for the past decade or so, but the Star says they have info from some palace blabbermouth that Kate will walk down the aisle already heavy with child. Just to make it seem more realistic, they add the details that the official announcement will come after the honeymoon and if they have a daughter, they will name her Diana.

Well, if we do have a royal baby in the near future, it won't be hard to do the math to see if this story is bollocks or not. As for now, it gets a nomination for Meanest Story of the Week.


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