
Obama 'Greatest Orator of Modern Times' - Roger Simon

Monday 4 April 2011
On CNN's Reliable Sources Sunday, Roger Simon, Politico, had high praise for Obama's oratory skills.

Video, from Breitbart:

Transcript, from NewsBusters:
HOWARD KURTZ, HOST: So is the press starting to sour on the stalemate in Libya?

Joining us now here in Washington, Roger Simon, chief political columnist for Politico; Dana Milbank, columnist for "The Washington Post," and in San Francisco, Debra Saunders, a columnist for "The San Francisco Chronicle."

Roger Simon, are the journalists and the anchors we just saw now aggressively challenging and acting openly skeptical about the Obama policy in Libya?

ROGER SIMON, CHIEF POLITICAL COLUMNIST, POLITICO: Yes, and that's a good thing. We're supposed to be openly skeptical.

The bloom isn't entirely off the rose between Obama and the press, but reporters are starting to concentrate more than ever on what he says rather than how he says it. We will stipulate that he's the greatest orator of modern times, but now we're looking beyond that in every speech for what he's actually telling us.

Obama is the greatest orator of modern times?

That is laughable.

How does Simon define "modern times"? The 21st century?

It's nuts to consider Obama the greatest orator of modern times.

What's more pathetic is Simon's admission that reporters have been so dazzled by Obama that they haven't been scrutinizing the content of what he says.

The crush the press has had on Obama is an embarrassment. Are these professional journalists, or are they groupies?

They never should have been swooning. They should have been serving as reporters. Truly embarrassing.

Some examples of Obama's oratory "greatness":

The "Breathalzyer"

The "Corpse-man"

The "Twitters"

The "Uh"

The "E-pants-ipation"

"E-pants-pation" still makes me laugh.

No matter what Simon says, the fact is Obama is NOT the greatest orator of modern times. He pales in comparison to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. or President Ronald Reagan. I think even Jesse Jackson is better than Obama.

Without a teleprompter, the man is lost. With his teleprompter, he struggles. He doesn't connect with his audience. He simply reads, sometimes with disastrous results.

When it comes to content, Obama really falls apart.

Let's deal in reality.


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