
Prosser, Kloppenburg, and Michael Moore

Friday 8 April 2011
Consider this:

The Dane County Clerk's Office holds a press conference on Thursday to announce that the vote tally for a city had been omitted from the unofficial total released on Tuesday night.

The corrected tally includes 14,315 votes - 10,859 more votes for JoAnne Kloppenburg and 3,456 more votes for Justice David Prosser. Republicans involved in the canvassing vouch for the integrity of the process and the count.

It would be a dramatic turn of events. No question about it.

How would the Left react?

They wouldn't cry, "Call in the Feds."

They'd say, "This is what democracy looks like" and dance in the streets and bring out the drums.

They certainly wouldn't be calling for a federal investigation.

Kloppenburg would probably hold another press conference and yap about being "ecstatic."

Michael Moore, of course, would be singing the praises of the Dane County voters.

Instead, because the discovery of the vote tally error and the corrected total hurts union puppet Kloppenburg, Moore is throwing a fit.

He's calling on Obama to impound the ballots.

Moore and the band of Leftist lemmings are completely disregarding reality.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

"Wisconsin voters as well as the Kloppenburg (campaign) deserve a full explanation of how and why these 14,000 votes from an entire city were missed. To that end, we will be filing open records requests for all relevant documentation related to the reporting of election results in Waukesha County, as well as to the discovery and reporting of the errors announced by the county," Kloppenburg campaign manager Melissa Mulliken said in a statement.

Assembly Minority Leader Peter Barca (D-Kenosha) raised the possibility of an independent investigation over the recovery of the votes.

"This is a serious breach of election procedure," he said. "We're going to look further. She waited 24 hours to work this. And she waited until after she verified the results, making it that much more difficult to challenge and verify the results."

But at the news conference with Nickolaus, Ramona Kitzinger, the Democrat on the Waukesha County Board of Canvassers, said: "We went over everything and made sure all the numbers jibed up and they did. Those numbers jibed up, and we're satisfied they're correct."

As a Democrat, she said, "I'm not going to stand here and tell you something that's not true."

Waukesha County Executive Dan Vrakas, who sat in on Nickolaus' news conference, said voters can be confident in the results because "all the votes are in that office. If anyone wants to look at them and verify, they can."

Kristine Schmidt, the clerk in the city of Brookfield, said in a separate interview that she shared the results with the news media on election night.

She said she also sent the results twice to the county. After the first results were sent she said the county requested a second set of data because they wanted results tabulated in a certain format with fewer columns.

"We sent it to the county and called the county to make sure they got it," Schmidt said.

There should be a record that Brookfield's results were shared with the news media on election night. That should put this notion to rest that votes were "found."

Unfortunately, admitting that would require a sense of honor on the part of Kloppenburg and the Left. That's what's missing. That's what needs to be "found."

The fact that Dan Vrakas is inviting scrutiny should quell outrage on the Left, but it won't. They don't lose well. Tantrums are part of the routine.

Let the lawyers swoop in and examine the ballots. We don't have hanging chads and butterfly ballots here. Investigate. No problem.

However, there's no reason to involve the feds in our state election. I resent Moore's suggestion that the Obama administration should impound the ballots. This is not a national election. It's purely Wisconsin, our Supreme Court.

Then there's Ramona Kitzinger, a Democrat. Is she a liar? Michael Moore and the unhinged Leftists are completely disregarding her comments. She's an inconvenient player in this.

It's to be expected that Moore and company are flipping out. It was inevitable that they would smear Kathy Nickolaus. (I guess they'll have to smear Kitzinger, too.)

I just hope all the crazed rhetoric doesn't translate into Katherine Windels-style threats, or worse.

I'm sure Kathy Nickolaus is truly sorry. Why would she invite all the criticism and ridicule she's receiving? Does anyone really think she's enjoying this nightmare?

Certainly, it's a personal embarrassment. The poor woman must be a mess.

Given the current political climate and the thuggery exhibited by the unions and their minions, if I were Nickolaus, I'd be fearing for my safety.

What we absolutely must have in Wisconsin is confidence in our elections.

Human error will always be a possibility. Usually, it's not on such a grand scale as in this case, but mistakes happen. Mistakes were made in other counties as well.

What we can do is make it more difficult to commit voter fraud in Wisconsin. We need to have voter photo ID.

I wonder how many fraudulent Kloppenburg votes were cast in this race. Dozens? Hundreds? More?

Let's check every single same-day registration voter. Verify them. Investigate them.

Wisconsin has to stop being a haven for voter fraud.

Then maybe Michael Moore and the union bosses will take their hysterics and thuggery elsewhere.


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