
super injunction scottish herald

Monday 23 May 2011

Scotland Scoffs at Super Injunction Soccer stars' secrets may not be safe in all of the U.K. By Kari Lipschutz : Tension has been mounting for weeks on end as the British public gets restless. They're waiting for some news outlet to leak the name of the Premier League player who is seeking to squelch the news of his reported affair with a former reality television personality. Now, a Scottish newspaper has made a move that might tip the gossip balance, in defiance of the vaunted super injunction.

The Sunday Herald defied a London-based order to keep the soccer player’s identity a secret, publishing a full-page photograph on its front page, only blocking out his eyes with a thin black bar. Though part of the United Kingdom, Scotland has its own legal system and the newspaper's understanding of injunctions is that they must be filed separately. A top Scottish libel lawyer, however, believes the paper is still covered by the injunction and could now face charges in a Scottish court. Read More


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