
Obama: Bill to Fund Troops a 'Distraction'

Thursday 7 April 2011
Obama and the Democrats are a disgrace.

They call a bill to assure that our troops will be funded a "distraction."

From Eric Cantor:

It’s alarming that a bill that funds our troops and could likely pass both the House and the Senate has been termed as a “distraction” by the White House. No one wants to see the government shut down, but Republicans are committed to ensuring that our men and women in uniform serving in Afghanistan, Iraq, and around the world will be paid if that happens. The White House is directly jeopardizing that.

It's obscene that Democrats would be willing to play politics with our troops serving around the world, fighting and dying.

Obama vows to veto H.R. 1363 – Department of Defense and Further Additional Continuing Appropriations Act of 2011.

The Administration strongly opposes House passage of H.R. 1363, making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2011, and for other purposes. As the President stated on April 5, 2011, if negotiations are making significant progress, the Administration would support a short-term, clean Continuing Resolution to allow for enactment of a final bill.

For the past several weeks, the Administration has worked diligently and in good faith to find common ground on the shared goal of cutting spending. After giving the Congress more time by signing short-term extensions into law, the President believes that we need to put politics aside and work out our differences for a bill that covers the rest of the fiscal year. This bill is a distraction from the real work that would bring us closer to a reasonable compromise for funding the remainder of Fiscal Year 2011 and avert a disruptive Federal Government shutdown that would put the Nation’s economic recovery in jeopardy.

...It is critical that the Congress send a final bill to the President’s desk that provides certainty to our men and women in military uniform, their families, small businesses, homeowners, taxpayers, and all Americans. H.R. 1363 simply delays that critical final outcome.

If presented with this bill, the President will veto it.

It's ridiculous for Obama to talk about "distractions" when he failed to pass a budget last year.

What "distracted" him and his Dem comrades then?

Obama and the Dems need to take responsibility for their failure instead of engaging in fearmongering and silly whining.


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