
Winnebago County - PROSSER WINS!

Thursday 7 April 2011
As Kevin Kennedy of Wisconsin's Government Accountability Board said yesterday, the numbers provided by the Associated Press were unofficial. He said the vote count in the Supreme Court race would likely change.

The process of certifying the votes had not begun.

Today, it's happening.

Here's what Kennedy was talking about, a change:

In Winnebago County, Justice David Prosser nets 244 votes.

If Prosser were like JoAnne Kloppenburg, he would call a news conference and declare victory right NOW!

Of course, Prosser is no JoAnne Kloppenburg.

Pulling such a stunt wouldn't be prudent. It wouldn't be appropriate. It would be foolhardy. It would lack gravitas. It would show an utter lack of wisdom and judgment. It would smell of politics.

In short, it would be very Kloppenburg.


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